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It's all about the hips


Hello there!

Welcome to our very first, brand spanking new store and blog. I am Jessica England and I will be writing the blogs around here. I founded Hipsleepers with my mum, Kathy Lee, in 2017.

I have spent a lot of time thinking about what to write in my first blog post. I have so much information and so many stories to share about my own personal experience with developmental dysplasia of the hips (DDH). My first draft of this blog was one big word purge so I decided to cut back, take it slow and start with a brief introduction.

If you are visiting our store or reading our blog it is probably because you have some connection with infant hip dysplasia. Perhaps your own baby is wearing a Pavlik Harness, a Denis Browne Bar, a Rhino brace or a Spica Cast right now. Or perhaps your grandchild, niece or nephew is receiving treatment? Or could it be the baby of your neighbour/friend/colleague/cousin who has DDH? Maybe it is all of the above because infant hip dysplasia is quite common.

My daughter, Mackenzie, had hip dysplasia in both hips from birth. The dysplasia in her left hip was severe with dislocation and her right hip had mild dysplasia. She wore a Pavlik Harness for 8 months from when she was 8 weeks old to successfully mend both hips. She is now 2 ½ years old and has just been officially discharged from the hip clinic at the Monash Hospital in Melbourne.

I will share stories of my own personal experiences in good time but want to say at the outset that I know what it is like to live with a baby who is undergoing treatment for hip dysplasia. I understand the good, the bad, the ups, the downs and the downright disgusting. I also understand the need for specialty baby goods – warm, wide sleeping bags, custom shaped clothes, supportive seats, tools for easier nappy changes and other accessories. So, I decided to open Hipsleepers, a one stop DDH shop.

You can check out our entire range HERE which is growing rapidly. And because we are so fresh (I am writing this before our store has officially launched) we would like to offer our first 100 customers 10% off. Use the code “NEWBIES” at the checkout but get in quick. (UPDATE:  This code is now expired)

So have a look around and follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more information, blogs, tips, tricks and DDH friendly baby products. We are eagerly anticipating the release of our 2.5 tog sleeping bags and wide leg onesies which should be ready just in time for winter (in Australia).

Thanks for stopping by!

- Jess

For more posts about life with a baby receiving treatment for developmental dysplasia of the hip, browse our blog here:

To view our range of specialty hip dysplasia baby clothes and accessories, click here: